Home Security Fundamentals
By: Jeff Edwards   |    Feb. 28th, 2020
UNDER DURESS, You want to BE ready. rise to the occasion. start Here, with this Home Defense Checklist. 
In Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT), the defense always has a natural advantage. Despite having more advanced technology and being the fiercest fighting force on the planet, it took the United States Marine Corps nearly a month to clear the streets of Fallujah, Iraq during Operation Phantom Fury. 

This wasn’t because the insurgent fighters somehow bested the Marines. Rather, the insurgents had time to prepare and they leveraged the full advantages the defense offers in urban terrain. 

Thankfully, the streets of America are not the streets of Iraq and those coming to kick in your door and do you harm are not United States Marines. However, there are evil doers out there who would do you and those you love harm. Consequently, you would do well to understand the tactical advantages your home offers and leverage them to your benefit. 

So let’s run down this quick home defense checklist so that you and your family can be prepared for the day that most people dread. 

1. Early Warning 
The first advantage the defense has in a house to house fight is that enemy must make the breach. That means you as the home defender will have somewhat of an early warning. For you, this early warning can be enhanced through a few upgrades to your outer perimeter. Motion sensored flood lights, cameras, and an alarm system are all great technological upgrades. However, don’t forget about brute strength. Upgrading the locking mechanisms on your doors and windows means the bad guys won’t get through on the first kick. The more time they spend on the breach means more time you have to get ready. 

2. Draw Up a Plan and Train the Family
In November of 2004, two Marines kicked in a door on the streets of Fallujah and were quickly wounded. Additional Marines rushed into the house and within minutes, this one house would become known as the “House of Hell.” In less than an hour, 10 Marines were critically wounded in this one house and one was killed in action. Through acts of inexplicable gallantry, the Marines defeated the enemy in the house and won the day. However, the insurgents were initially successful against this fierce fighting force because they had a plan. Your family too needs to have a plan. 

Does your family know where to go when an intruder makes the breach? Do you know where the natural choke points are in your house that will funnel the enemy in one direction. You see, the natural advantage you have is that you have been inside of your house, whereas most intruders have not. You know the natural landscape if you would just take the time to consider it. When the Marines kicked in a door in Fallujah, they had no idea what would be to their left, right and in front of them. Use this natural advantage and draw up a plan that you share with your family. If you don’t have a plan, then you are not serious about home defense. 

3. Have a Gun at the Ready
Regardless of what much of the gun control media narrative will tell you, a home defense plan always requires a gun. Always and without exception. When an intruder has entered your home, they have already shown disregard and malice for you and your family. Now, if you are a professional MMA fighter and your 95-year-old unarmed granny neighbor decides to invade your home, you might think twice about deadly force. However, the average Joe has no idea what they are up against. 

Having a gun at the ready requires quick and easy access. Fumbling with the combination of a safe or trying to locate the key to a gun lock may be just the advantage the enemy needs to close with and destroy you. I’m not saying those are not reasonable safety options, but when your day comes you might need more. Consider having guns safely and reasonable stashed in multiple locations in the home. Gun magnets are a great and effective way to conceal guns in plain sight and at heights unreachable to children. However you decide to do it, realize that you have seconds and not minutes once the breach is made. 

4. Have an Exit Plan
 Where the insurgents failed in Iraq was that most did not have an exit plan. They were determined to fight until the end and the United States Marine Corps was more than happy to gift them enough violence to end their malice for good. As a family, you do not have to make such a final stand. If your enemy is so determined, have a plan to safely exit the house in order to live to fight another day. This is not Iraq and a tactical withdrawal is acceptable. If you were unable to reach your firearm for any reason, this is a good time to consider stashing a gun on your exit route so that you might cover your return. Not to mention, if you should fall in the fight, your family needs to understand how to get out safely. 

This rudimentary checklist should be enough for you to start crafting your plan for your family’s survival should the day come. Make the breach difficult and buy your family time to prepare. Have a plan and ensure that everyone knows it. Have a gun quickly accessible at all times utilizing a gun magnet or other concealed opportunity. Finally, have a plan to get out of dodge if need be. In general, you won’t have to make a tactical withdrawal because the average bad guy is not looking for a fight. They are looking for easy prey. Give them a fight and you’ll likely find yourself still king of your own castle at the end of the day. 


Take the Quiz below, to claim your Free Gun Magnet + 2 more gifts. 

Chris Sarg

Hi, I'm Chris, an American patriot, husband and father of two with a love for writing, the great outdoors, and my country.
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